If you have a concern around the house foundations and want a qualified foundation expert to check out your home and give it the qualified once over, and provide a quote to bring it up to standard, we can do that to! Cost for a written report on all aspects of your house's foundation's, will be a pre-paid amount of $550.00 + gst.
We will include written report, quotation if work is required, recommendations, contact with a structural engineer if required, progress to undertaking work ourselves, offering 10 {ten} year Certified Builders Association workmanship warranties on all aspects of same.
If you do have concerns, please email in first instance, and Rob will be only to happy to discuss and recommend further action if needed.
What most people don't know, is the damage that may have been sustained to storm water and sewage drains. In some parts of Wellington and Lower Hutt, this damage causes subsidence issues months later following an earthquake. I can check this for you as well.
For further useful information, we suggest you try EQC. Here is a link to their page.